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Courtney is currently available to hire for freelance editing projects. She has experience in creative nonfiction, long and short-form fiction, and long and short-form memoir.
She works on a sliding scale, based on your needs, but generally follows the Editorial Freelancers Association rate chart. If cost is a barrier, please reach out to Courtney to discuss the budget for your project.
Work Experience
Teaching Assistant, University of Victoria
September 2022-April 2023
Teaching assistant for undergraduate creative writing courses in fiction and nonfiction.
Facilitating weekly writing workshops with students, hosting office hours for student consultations, and grading essays and creative works.
Journalist, Ontario Learning Development Foundation
June 2021-August 2021
Wrote articles and features for Women Quest magazine.
Created content for company advertisements and commercials.
Edited text to a high standard regarding subject matter, grammar, style, and accuracy, in Canadian Press style.
Transcriptionist, Rev
May 2021-August 2021
Accurately typed transcripts for television, courses, interviews.
Followed style guide requirements for verbatim and non-verbatim transcription.
Succeeded in an English grammar exam in the hiring process.
Student Writer-in-Residence, Western University
September 2020-April 2021
Served as a mentor for student writers at by providing support through office hours.
Planned and hosted a variety of workshops, writer panels, and readings to maximize student engagement.
Collaborated with Writer-in-Residence Alicia Elliott to foster Western's creative community.
Editor-in-Chief, AHSC Publications
April 2020-April 2021
Managed Western’s Arts and Humanities publications: Symposium, Semicolon and Premier.
Tasked with fielding student submissions and delegating roles and tasks to an editorial team of five people.
Festival Assistant, Vancouver Writers Fest
July 2019-August 2019
Conducted outreach and assisted in marketing and distribution of promotional material leading up to the annual fall literary festival.
Drafted and edited the Festival Program Guide before publication.
University of Victoria
Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing
University of Western Ontario
Honours Bachelor of Arts in English and Creative Writing
Writer, UVic Graduate Student Newsletter
September 2021-April 2023​
Curated a newsletter for the work of MFA and PhD candidates in the Faculty of Fine Arts to be shared amongst students, faculty, and instructors.
Collected profiles of graduate students in the five departments (music, theatre, visual arts, art history and visual studies, and writing) to feature in the newsletter alongside community events promotion.
Reader, Alice Munro Festival of the Short Story Contest
May 2021​
Read 88 entries of around 2,500 words each.
Evaluated for writing style, plot, dialogue, grammar, pacing, originality, and more.
Selected the top 10 stories to send to the head juror, Emma Donoghue, to select the final winner of $1,500.
Reader, The Coterie Writing Contest
March 2021
Responsible for selecting a first-place entry and two runner-up poems to win prizes of $100.
Senior Editor, Purple Sex Magazine
March 2021
Responsible for fielding and responding to submissions of fiction, creative nonfiction, articles, reflections, poems, art, and photography.
Selected pieces for publication in the magazine.
Senior Editor, WordsFest Zine
November 2020
Editor-in-Chief, AHSC Publications Writing Contest
October 2020
Responsible for fielding and responding to submissions of fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry.
Selected three finalists to win book prize packs worth $300.
Student Editor, WordsFest Zine
November 2016
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